The daily log of Svetz for Saturday, August 29, 2020

Sup Coach


: 5.00 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0


: 5.00 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

Well experimenting a little with going for higher mileage I'm going turn my recovery day into the highest form of recovery double and feel out how my body responds to it for a few weeks if it seems to work might keep it in my pocket for high milers but well see went up to robertson grass for the first five in the morning saw coach kim but yeah pretty slow but good nice and cool then stretched and chatted with coach kim was pretty nice catching up then in the pm got out just before dinner had the ticking clock for the start of dinner so slow first quarter mile but after picked it up to a pretty brisk pace to get back in time made it prime rib salad and mashed potatoes so pretty epic then relaxed enjoyed some gluten free beers and did zoom stuff with the class below me fun times after got my roll sesh in and then off to bed anyways svetz in
