The daily log of Joe Stover for Friday, July 02, 2021

Triple Dog Dare


: 6.00 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

Don't have a great 6 mile route which is somewhat unfort. Luckily I won't be running 6 miles very often soonish. Going to the rockies game tonight with family so excited for that. Just some yoga after because I felt pretty bad. Bo Burnham has been stuck in my head for like the last month and it's especially bad on these solo runs. I think I half-sung "I'm a special kinda white guy..." like 20 times on this run.


  • Kirby Simon  (7/2/2021 2:23:19 PM) 

    How we feelin' out there tonight?

  • Ryan Becker  (7/2/2021 9:07:22 PM) 

    Come on Jeffrey, you can do it!