The daily log of Joe Stover for Thursday, September 24, 2020

Follow the Peter


: 10.50 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0


: 5.10 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

AM: Met up with Michael and Jacob this morning. We saw Peter, Chris, and Kirby at BBF so we decided to follow them. Those guys are dumb dumbs for running the same route every thursday because now we will be actively stalking them on their run. Caught up with the older 3 at Skinker and ran behind them back to BJC. Then we went through the Wheaton woods and on some of 2+2=5. Ended up being a pretty good route and the mixup was a nice way to start the day. Just some stretching afterwards.
PM: JBD with Prat. Got hipointe with Michael after.
