The daily log of Kevin for Thursday, January 21, 2021

Because you don't trust us


: 0.00 Mile(s) : 00:56:15 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

3x HIT

24.7 (1:27)
26.8 (1:27)
25.0 (1:30) split didn't register; 1:53=aproximately 1:30, 23
~23 (3:36)

second set, gotta catch them
24.7 (71)
25.7 (66)
26.00 (69)
25.25 (59) plus ~30 standing rec

Then from The Wall of Champions (echo wall) to the hill (aka 300m Peoria uphill).
[11.9] 26.2

4x 5 step ups
3x pull ups. 2.8, 1, 0.5= 4.3 And several more assisted. Was dead on the last set.

QOTD from Ammar. We started off with leg swings and hip hikes and other optional stuffs. Small group. Yasir was there, but he had to leave for PT (i think). Ammar, Nur, Maisam, on time or early. I was a minute late. Leo was a bit more, and X was 22 late...

We did a lot of warm up stuff, partner crab hops, popcorn skips, and progression sprint. Favorite are the extended lunges. You go out, then push your knee past your toe, but still keeping power in your glutes. I love them, but they're kind of intense and usually mess me up for a couple minutes. Felt pretty good.
