The daily log of Grace Murphy for Thursday, June 06, 2019

No Title


: 5.00 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

Honestly contemplating life rn. I really want to quit my one job bc it forces me to run at the crack of dawn and ya girl just wants to sleep. Thats probably lazy of me but it's ~annoying~ ya feel. Anyway I had a cramp in my shoulder this entire run and was overall angry about life so this run wasn't my fav. Thanks for listening to my life update. <3


  • Emily Swope  (6/6/2019 7:03:33 AM) 

    Awww don't be angry about life :(

  • Sarah Groetz  (6/6/2019 7:31:53 AM) 

    sending positive vibes your way <333