The daily log of Emily Forner for Tuesday, October 13, 2020



: 6.20 Mile(s) : 00:48:05 : 00:07:45.32 /mile : NB Vongo V4 (black) : 0.0


: 4.00 Mile(s) : 00:31:40 : 00:07:55 /mile : NB Vongo V4 (black) : 0.0

Daily Note

Merp...thought maybe I was feeling tired from driving all day yesterday and just travel in general. Realized this morning though that my fatigue, aches, cold fingers, and pale skin are almost certainly anemia again...the run this morning pretty well confirmed that. Should’ve felt rested from not running yesterday, but felt like I just finished a marathon. Ran slow and the legs felt weak and wobbly. Will probably still double this evening and get my miles in, but paces will have to be slow for a bit. Gonna get a doctors appointment. Pm: an equally merpy run in terms of pacing this evening. Super slow, but I went out to Brady’s run park and got on the trails so I got to take in the beautiful fall scenery, and thoroughly enjoyed it! After this run I’d say my likelihood of being anemic is 98%...Thankfully southwestern PA is having some insanely gorgeous weather to make things all right :) I know I’m not supposed to visit Allegheny cause of COVID, but my doctors appointment is in Meadville next week, so....
