The daily log of Emily Forner for Wednesday, February 12, 2020

heart it races


: 6.00 Mile(s) : 00:47:33 : 00:07:55.5 /mile : NB Vongo v3 : 0.0


: 00:30:00

Daily Note

super scary start to my run...within the first minute I rolled my ankle, which is usually no big deal, but for some reason it triggered my body to go into a vasovagal response (thanks webmd) vision started going dark and my ears were ringing and I almost passed out on the side of the highway...thankfully was able to walk back to the house to sit down for a bit to collect myself. Went back out after I recovered, but kept it super chill just in case. Felt fine, so continued with my planned lift after - 3x10: squats(25s), hip bridges(25), SL RDLs(35), High school arm circuit(5s), chin ups(3x5), 6mins core. Glad this all turned out okay. Was feeling pretty sore before bed, so did a nice 30min yoga sesh to stretch and unwind :)


  • Emily Forner  (2/17/2020 3:18:36 PM) 

    yeah same! it was scary :O

  • MonPatrick  (2/15/2020 6:08:45 PM) 

    eek! glad you recovered quickly :0