The daily log of Emma Walter for Saturday, July 20, 2019

No Title


: 9.50 Mile(s) : 01:10:00 : 00:07:22.10 /mile : : 0.0


: 7.50 Mile(s) : 00:30:00 : 15.00 mph

Daily Note

ran at the lake today since im finally running long enough to make it all the way around. tried to keep it really chill for most of the run bc i got alot of blood drawn yesterday and heat. progressed last 15 bc i was feeling fine. nice lil bike after. saw a guy with this weird thing that was like two wheels and handle bars and he was suspended between the wheels but running, idk. it was basically like a moving alter g. first week at full mileage!


  • Corner  (7/20/2019 2:16:36 PM) 

    Lake crew wazzup

  • Katie S  (7/20/2019 1:57:47 PM) 
