The daily log of Blake Evertsen for Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Maintenance+ @6:30


: 9.10 Mile(s) : 00:59:15 : 00:06:30.65 /mile : : 0.0

Daily Note

Actually still not sore from the race which means I'm in damn good shape...Kinda wish I was running regionals with the boys to get another 10k in cause I had a blast out there. Makes more sense to finish out this season as a redshirt tho. Have gained a shit ton of experience. Know a little more and more everyday what it means to succeed on the collegiate level. It is tougher and requires more effort but those that really want it seem to rise to the top. As I keep training and get more quality work in my legs I'll climb that ladder. I'm climbing the latter now! Little workout tomorrow with the team. Want to be prepared for that.
