The daily log of Bradley Brodsky for Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Wrong socks #vestwilenirus


: 9.25 Mile(s) : 01:06:11 : 00:07:09.29 /mile :


: 3.00 Mile(s) : 00:22:38 : 00:07:32.66 /mile : Recovery Run : Roads : 0.0 : 0.00 Yard(s) : 0.00 : 0.00


: 6.00 Mile(s) : 00:42:30 : 00:07:05 /mile : Recovery Run : Roads : 0.0 : 0.00 Yard(s) : 0.00 : 0.00


: 0.25 Mile(s) : 00:01:03 : 00:04:12 /mile : Recovery Run : Roads : 0.0 : 0.00 Yard(s) : 0.00 : 0.00
: 0.0

Daily Note

Today was alright. I slept better than last night, but not great. I REALLY wanted to go back to bed and just run nine at practice, but I put it out of my mind and got out of bed and on my run. I had to get up 25 minutes earlier today because of early bird, but it wasn't too bad. During my first run, I think I was a bit dehydrated because I had literally had just hopped out of bed. I didn't have headache or anything, but I kind of felt like I had a little bit of headrest for the first ~400 meters. I saw Lucas' dad a bit after I passed the Chinese Church/Starland/Greek School so that was #clout. I took my morning run a bit slow because yesterday was tough as heck and it is okay to take a run like this a bit easy. I ran LHC. I got home and stretched, showered, ate, and #wentdipskiontheyass. School went well today, we had our first real discussions in Bio and Gov which ere really interesting. Juice and I had sixth free and no homework to do, so we decided to run then. We ran Heller at a quick pace and had a good time. I do not think I have ever run alone with Juice and I liked it. We played a bit of guess the form which is always fun and unfortunately, we both caught Vest Wile Nirus from the mosquitos #sad! Anyways, we did our 4x100s on the street adjacent to R-Hall and I hit 16.28, 16.92, 15.72, 14.45 which are all solid times. We finished the strides and school was let out at that moment so it lined up perfectly. We got inside and stretched while helping out with gear. We finished gear (with some difficulties) then did pictures. Pictures went well , I was part of the #chaingang. Solid run today, easy pre-meet tomorrow then a ~race~! Hyped for senior night!

XCM: 106.41 (Over 100!)
