The daily log of Will Mitchell for Wednesday, August 02, 2017



: 4.59 Mile(s) : 00:32:15 : 00:07:01.56 /mile : Ride 8 pair #9 blue : 0.0


: 1.95 Mile(s) : 00:13:22 : 00:06:51.28 /mile : Ride 8 pair #9 blue : 0.0


: 6.00 Mile(s) : 00:33:34 : 00:05:35.66 /mile : Ride 8 pair #9 blue : 0.0


: 0.92 Mile(s) : 00:06:46 : 00:07:21.30 /mile : Ride 8 pair #9 blue : 0.0

Daily Note

Got up at 5:10 to drive my parents to the airport and then went for my run. I had planned on doing my MP is the morning but has soon as I started running I didn't feel great so I moved it to the evening. The MP went well 6miles (33:34) (5:36pace) I did an out an back on the traction path, the path is only 2.5 miles long so I added a mile on a side street, which I found out during the run was a hill. The hill killed my pace, but with two miles to go, I drove hard. All together good work out for me. I started my cool down but had to cut it short to find a bathroom. Looking back at my old logs, I didn't finish this workout last year.
