The daily log of ColeBernstein for Thursday, August 13, 2020

refresher (6ct, sprints)


: 6.35 Mile(s) : 00:46:04 : 00:07:15.27 /mile : : 0.0


: 100.00 Meter(s) : 00:00:14 : 00:03:45.29 /mile : : 0.0


: 400.00 Meter(s) : 00:00:59 : 00:03:57.36 /mile : : 0.0


: 0.50 Mile(s) : 00:04:00 : 00:08:00 /mile : : 0.0

Daily Note

had our first 6ct in awhile at practice today. ran youschernia with lucas eric josh and ryan. went by pretty fast then me lucas and ryan did a loop through olson for the extension that ended up being a bit long. felt solid except i had to use the bathroom before and after the run. then we did the 100 and 400m sprint trials. did the 100 with ryan lucas and josh. i felt really weird during it and ended up with 13.8. then we had a long wait for the 400 and I felt super heavy at the start. I was way behind josh and ryan but slowly gained on them and got close to ryan by the end. i did not feel good during it at all though and my time was not as fast as i was expecting. gonna rest up a lot today and start bringing a bigger water bottle that stays cold so i don't get dehydrated like i did today. cooled down after then stretched and dipped. good day.
