The daily log of Zack Greco for Wednesday, May 15, 2019

4 ct 2x200


: 4.00 Mile(s) : 00:29:50 : 00:07:27.5 /mile : : 0.0


: 0.75 Mile(s) : 00:00:00 : : : 0.0

Daily Note

4 ct today felt fine. It was nice out so shirtless felt great. Got back and I’d 3x200 but my hip killed after the second one and I though it would be better just to cooldown because it did not feel right. 200’s were 37,37 so not fast and all and the felt awful. Not sure what I want to time trial on Friday. Deciding between 800 and 3200 but I don’t want to do the mile. We will see
