The daily log of Zack Greco for Tuesday, June 05, 2018

summer milage: 23


: 5.00 Mile(s) : 00:38:50 : 00:07:46 /mile : : 0.0

Daily Note

Ran a 5 ct after the first final period. Charlie and Jwallk were there but wallk had 4 so charlie and I ran hunter and back while he rolled out and when we came back, we ran hybernia together. It was a good run, weather felt good but allergies bad. I was a little behind them but it’s fine, they are faster than me so it’s of. I’m glad I’m grinding out good milage now because it might be hard at camp to hit high milage. I let the school and biked to Caruso where I said hi to a bunch of teachers. That was fun. Tomorrow I start basketball workouts at 1:30 so I will run after my second and last final, then go to basketball. Into the summer those stay at the same tome(like 1ish) so tomorrow will be the only hard day. From then on, it’s run in morning, basketball in afternoon

Update for anyone interested- Sunday(don’t know what time yet) I will be racing the Ella Palzet on the track in an 800 race. Be there if u want to see me win.
